Five Ways To Increase Your Internal Power :
All power has a source. If you are a person of faith like I am, you believe a power exists that is greater than you and me. Since there are various forms of power, in the context of leadership in business, I define power simply as the ability to make things happen. Each of us has been given a measure of that power, but most may not realize that this measure can be intentionally increased. Power is not finite -- it can grow, but that growth is not automatic. If you want to learn some practical actions you can take to increase your power, keep reading.
This measure of power that you have in its raw form is called potential, also known as capacity. Potential is what houses your power. Allow me to put on an English teacher’s hat for a moment. The etymology of the word "potential" reveals to us that the word comes from the Latin word "potentia," which means "power." As such, power increases as your ability increases. Here are some ways that you can increase your internal power.
“Our Power Tools”
Strength – We all have unbelievable strength within us to allow us to overcome anything. We tap into our Strength tool when we are overwhelmed and feel we can’t overcome a tough situation. Other times we may need it to a lesser degree, for example, to bite our tongues before expressing a negative emotion or telling someone what we really think about them. Whatever the situation, we all have it within us and need to call upon it.Intuition – I love this tool when I am able to use it. However, for me it is one of the hardest to use, and requires a skill that I have not yet mastered. If you are of clear mind and are able to connect with yourself and are aware of the energy within and around you, your intuition can be a very powerful resource and guide.
Knowledge – We all have knowledge of who we are and what we want. If you take the time to sit with yourself, clear your mind and the noise, and understand yourself – you will know what is right for you and what steps you need to take next. Whether it is to heal, improve a relationship, improve your health or make a career or financial decision – all answers lie within you. If you are having a difficult time finding them, it is because you have created blocks within yourself that don’t allow you to see who you are.Courage – The most important tool in your toolbox is courage – courage to make the right decision that is based on what truly reflects you and who you are. Often, we know what the right thing to do is, but we just don’t have the courage to make the decision. This could be for a variety of reasons including fear, worrying about what other people may think, or worrying about hurting or disappointing someone.
Love – I put this in the toolbox because whenever you are coming from a place of fear, anger, sadness, worry or any other negative emotion, the “power within you” is diminished and all the other tools become less effective. When you feel any negative emotion, turn to love, (love for yourself, love forothers), feel and express gratitude, and practice compassion. When you do this, your attitude will change, you will feel different and you become more powerful.
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